Prince Edward County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

301 E 3rd St
Farmville, Virginia 23901

8278 W Patrick Henry Hwy
Green Bay, Virginia 23942

495 Moores Ordinary Rd
Meherrin, Virginia 23954

152 Prospect Rd
Prospect, Virginia 23960

658 Rices Depot Rd
Rice, Virginia 23966

Prince Edward County

There are 5 US Post Offices in Prince Edward County serving a total of 23,855 residents equating to 4,771 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 38,075 packages are handled across the 5 county post offices annually. Prince Edward County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,368. Its county seat is Farmville."