Orange County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

5285 Barboursville Comm Center Dr
Barboursville, Virginia 22923

4447 Germanna Hwy
Locust Grove, Virginia 22508

11350 Constitution Hwy
Montpelier Station, Virginia 22957

129 W Main St
Orange, Virginia 22960

25433 Lafayette Dr
Rhoadesville, Virginia 22542

14257 Blue Ridge Turnpike
Somerset, Virginia 22972

23209 Village Rd
Unionville, Virginia 22567

Orange County

There are 7 US Post Offices in Orange County serving a total of 34,005 residents equating to 4,858 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 54,276 packages are handled across the 7 county post offices annually. Orange County is a county located in the central piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 33,481. Its county seat is Orange. Orange County is home to Montpelier, the 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) estate of James Madison, the 4th President of the United States and oft-hailed \"Father of the Constitution.\" The county celebrated its 275th anniversary in 2009."