Buchanan County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

32148 Riverside Dr
Big Rock, Virginia 24603

4038 Helen Henderson Hwy
Davenport, Virginia 24239

123 Walnut St
Grundy, Virginia 24614

7505 Lesters Fork Rd
Hurley, Virginia 24620

978 Jewell Main Rd
Jewell Ridge, Virginia 24622

1063 Keen Mountain Camp Rd
Keen Mountain, Virginia 24624

9170 Garden Creek Rd
Mavisdale, Virginia 24627

1793 Bull Creek Rd
Maxie, Virginia 24628

10735 Riverside Dr
Oakwood, Virginia 24631

14006 Dismal River Rd
Pilgrims Knob, Virginia 24634

2772 Robinson Fork Rd
Rowe, Virginia 24646

1903 Lovers Gap Rd
Vansant, Virginia 24656

1510 Brown Mountain Rd
Whitewood, Virginia 24657

5145 Hurley Rd
Wolford, Virginia 24658

Buchanan County

There are 14 US Post Offices in Buchanan County serving a total of 21,141 residents equating to 1,510 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 33,743 packages are handled across the 14 county post offices annually. Buchanan County is a United States county located on the western border near the far western end of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The county is part of the Southwest Virginia region and lies in the Ridge-and-Valley portion of the Appalachian Mountains. Its county seat is Grundy. Buchanan County was established in 1858 from parts of Russell and Tazewell counties, and it was named in honor of former President James Buchanan. In 1880, part of Buchanan County was taken to form Dickenson County. As of the 2010 census, the county population was 24,098, and had a double digit percentage population decrease over the last three censuses. In addition, as of 2012, Buchanan was the fifth poorest county in Virginia, when ranked by median household income."