Coke County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

124 S Washington
Bronte, Texas 76933

722 Houston St
Robert Lee, Texas 76945

11301 Highway 277
Tennyson, Texas 76953

Coke County

There are 3 US Post Offices in Coke County serving a total of 3,104 residents equating to 1,035 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 4,954 packages are handled across the 3 county post offices annually. Coke County is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 3,320. Its county seat is Robert Lee. The county was founded in 1889 and is named for Richard Coke, the fifteenth governor of Texas. Coke County was one of 46 prohibition, or entirely dry, counties in the state of Texas, but passed a law allowing the sale of beer and wine in 2005."