Kingfisher County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

109 S Main St
Cashion, Oklahoma 73016

120 N Chisholm Trl
Dover, Oklahoma 73734

221 S Main St
Hennessey, Oklahoma 73742

214 S Main St
Kingfisher, Oklahoma 73750

119 Main St
Loyal, Oklahoma 73756

121 W Oklahoma St
Okarche, Oklahoma 73762

Kingfisher County

There are 6 US Post Offices in Kingfisher County serving a total of 16,274 residents equating to 2,712 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 25,975 packages are handled across the 6 county post offices annually. Kingfisher County is a county located in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 15,034. Its county seat is Kingfisher. The county was formed in 1890 and named Kingfisher by a vote of residents. The land was given to the Creek Nation by the federal government, but was taken back after the American Civil War."