Jackson County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

217 W Cypress St
Altus, Oklahoma 73521

204 S 3rd St
Altus AFB, Oklahoma 73523

111 E Main St
Blair, Oklahoma 73526

106 E 2nd St
Duke, Oklahoma 73532

116 N 4th St
Eldorado, Oklahoma 73537

717 Main St
Elmer, Oklahoma 73539

310 N Broadway St
Headrick, Oklahoma 73549

106 E Church St
Martha, Oklahoma 73556

104 E 4th St
Olustee, Oklahoma 73560

Jackson County

There are 9 US Post Offices in Jackson County serving a total of 26,521 residents equating to 2,947 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 42,330 packages are handled across the 9 county post offices annually. Jackson County is a county located in the southwestern corner of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 26,446. Its county seat is Altus. According to the Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, the county was named for two historical figures: President Andrew Jackson and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. One source states only that the county was named for the former President, while an earlier source states it was only named for General Stonewall Jackson. Jackson County comprises the Altus, OK Micropolitan Statistical Area."