Sponsored Listings:
Gackle Post Office
202 Main St
Gackle, North Dakota 58442
Napoleon Post Office
104 Broadway
Napoleon, North Dakota 58561
Logan County
There are 2 US Post Offices in Logan County serving a total of 1,563 residents equating to 782 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 2,495 packages are handled across the 2 county post offices annually. Logan County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 1,990. Its county seat is Napoleon. Logan County was created by the 1872-1873 territorial legislature and named for John A. Logan (1826-1886), a Civil War general and United States Senator from Illinois. It was organized on September 1, 1884. Napoleon was the county seat from 1884 to 1899. King became the county seat briefly in 1899 before Napoleon once again was given that title."