Montgomery County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

203 Main St
Duck Hill, Mississippi 38925

205 E Main St
Kilmichael, Mississippi 39747

310 Summit St
Winona, Mississippi 38967

Montgomery County

There are 3 US Post Offices in Montgomery County serving a total of 12,117 residents equating to 4,039 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 19,340 packages are handled across the 3 county post offices annually. Montgomery County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,925. Its county seat is Winona. The county was either named in honor of Richard Montgomery, an American Revolutionary War general killed in 1775 while attempting to capture Quebec City, Canada, or for Montgomery County, Tennessee, from which an early settler came. In that latter case, it would have been indirectly named for John Montgomery, a settler in Montgomery County, Tennessee, who founded the city of Clarksville, Tennessee, in that county."