Sponsored Listings:
Natchez Post Office
214 N Canal St
Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Sibley Post Office
1258 Highway 61 S
Sibley, Mississippi 39165
Tracetown Post Office
55 Sgt Prentiss Dr Ste 10b
Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Washington Post Office
820 Highway 61 N
Washington, Mississippi 39190
Adams County
There are 4 US Post Offices in Adams County serving a total of 64,668 residents equating to 16,167 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 103,217 packages are handled across the 4 county post offices annually. Adams County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. As of the 2010 census, the population was 32,297. The county seat is Natchez. The county is the first to have been organized in the former Mississippi Territory. It is named for the second U.S. President, John Adams, who held that office when the county was organized in 1799. Adams County is part of the Natchez, MS\u2013LA Micropolitan Statistical Area."