St Joseph County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

235 S 3rd St
Burr Oak, Michigan 49030

116 S Clark St
Centreville, Michigan 49032

123 S Blackstone Ave
Colon, Michigan 49040

340 S Washington St
Constantine, Michigan 49042

30980 King Rd
Leonidas, Michigan 49066

134 W Main St
Mendon, Michigan 49072

25987 M 86 Hwy
Nottawa, Michigan 49075

124 E Chicago Rd
Sturgis, Michigan 49091

100 N Main St
Three Rivers, Michigan 49093

107 N Kalamazoo St
White Pigeon, Michigan 49099

St Joseph County

There are 10 US Post Offices in St Joseph County serving a total of 61,796 residents equating to 6,180 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 98,633 packages are handled across the 10 county post offices annually.