Montcalm County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

215 W Main St
Carson City, Michigan 48811

7772 Academy Rd
Cedar Lake, Michigan 48812

4726 N Bailey Rd
Coral, Michigan 49322

204 S Main St
Crystal, Michigan 48818

317 E Main St
Edmore, Michigan 48829

382 W Fenwick Rd
Fenwick, Michigan 48834

119 W Cass St
Greenville, Michigan 48838

107 E Edgerton St
Howard City, Michigan 49329

319 Washington St
Lakeview, Michigan 48850

4321 Division St
McBrides, Michigan 48852

7 S 4th St
Pierson, Michigan 49339

207 S Main St
Sheridan, Michigan 48884

2960 W Sidney Rd
Sidney, Michigan 48885

126 N Clark St
Six Lakes, Michigan 48886

363 N State St
Stanton, Michigan 48888

113 W 2nd St
Trufant, Michigan 49347

8845 3rd St
Vestaburg, Michigan 48891

Montcalm County

There are 17 US Post Offices in Montcalm County serving a total of 66,093 residents equating to 3,888 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 105,492 packages are handled across the 17 county post offices annually. Montcalm County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. The Southwestern Portion of the county ( referring mostly to Greenville) identifies strongly as \" West Michigan\", while the rest of the county classifies themselves as being located within the Central portion of Lower Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 63,342. The county seat is Stanton. The county is named for General Marquis Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, French military commander of troops in Canada during the French and Indian War. The county was set off in 1831 and organized in 1850. Montcalm County is included in the Grand Rapids-Wyoming, MI Metropolitan Statistical Area."