Jackson County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

235 N Main St
Brooklyn, Michigan 49230

208 Hyde Rd
Clarklake, Michigan 49234

112 Homer Rd
Concord, Michigan 49237

221 E Michigan Ave
Grass Lake, Michigan 49240

175 W Main St
Hanover, Michigan 49241

220 Main St
Horton, Michigan 49246

113 W Michigan Ave Lobby
Jackson, Michigan 49201

1104 Jackson Xing
Jackson, Michigan 49202

122 Broad St
Michigan Center, Michigan 49254

100 W 6th St
Munith, Michigan 49259

125 Austin Rd
Napoleon, Michigan 49261

105 E Commercial St
Norvell, Michigan 49263

111 E Main St
Parma, Michigan 49269

11586 Bunkerhill Rd
Pleasant Lake, Michigan 49272

3955 Rives Eaton Rd
Rives Junction, Michigan 49277

109 Teft Rd
Spring Arbor, Michigan 49283

118 Mechanic St
Springport, Michigan 49284

Jackson County

There are 17 US Post Offices in Jackson County serving a total of 122,114 residents equating to 7,183 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 194,908 packages are handled across the 17 county post offices annually. Jackson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. Its population was 160,248 as of the 2010 Census. The county seat is Jackson. The county was set off in 1829 and organized in 1832. It is named for U.S. President Andrew Jackson and considered to be one of Michigan's \"Cabinet counties\", named for members of Jackson's Cabinet. Jackson County comprises the Jackson, MI Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Jackson County Courthouse was designed by Claire Allen, a prominent southern Michigan architect. Jackson County is also home to the Michigan Whitetail Hall of Fame."