Warren County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

10363 Alvaton Rd
Alvaton, Kentucky 42122

311 E 11th Ave
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

102 Main St
Oakland, Kentucky 42159

135 Richpond Rockfield Rd
Rockfield, Kentucky 42274

117 W 1st St
Smiths Grove, Kentucky 42171

250 Clark St
Woodburn, Kentucky 42170

Warren County

There are 6 US Post Offices in Warren County serving a total of 71,828 residents equating to 11,971 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 114,646 packages are handled across the 6 county post offices annually. Warren County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of 2014, the population was 120,460, making it the fifth-most populous county in Kentucky. The county seat is Bowling Green. Generally the county is dry, prohibiting the sale of alcohol, but retail alcohol sales are allowed in the \"wet city\" of Bowling Green; Warren County is classified as a moist county. Warren County is included in the Bowling Green, KY Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the Pennyroyal Plateau and Western Coal Fields regions."