Greeley County Post Offices

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123 W Greeley Ave
Tribune, Kansas 67879

Greeley County

There are 1 US Post Offices in Greeley County serving a total of 1,247 residents equating to 1,247 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 1,990 packages are handled across the 1 county post offices annually. Greeley County (county code GL) is a county located in western Kansas, in the Central United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 1,247, which makes it the least populous county in Kansas. Its county seat and largest city is Tribune. The county is named after Horace Greeley of Chappaqua, New York, editor of the New York Tribune. Greeley encouraged western settlement with the motto \"Go West, young man\"."

Post Offices by ZIP Code

  • 67879 - Tribune KS