Allen County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

102 W 1st St
Gas, Kansas 66742

811 New York St
Humboldt, Kansas 66748

120 West St
Iola, Kansas 66749

802 S Main St
La Harpe, Kansas 66751

226 N Cedar St
Moran, Kansas 66755

Allen County

There are 5 US Post Offices in Allen County serving a total of 12,751 residents equating to 2,550 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 20,352 packages are handled across the 5 county post offices annually. Allen County (county code AL) is a county located in southeast portion of the U.S. state of Kansas.It is 504 square miles, or 322,560 acres in size. As of the 2010 census, the population was 13,371. Its county seat and most populous city is Iola."