Vanderburgh County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

600 Cross Valley Cir
Evansville, Indiana 47710

800 Sycamore St
Evansville, Indiana 47708

13200 Darmstadt Rd
Inglefield, Indiana 47618

802 S Green River Rd
Evansville, Indiana 47715

1915 Washington Ave
Evansville, Indiana 47714

801 N Wabash Ave
Evansville, Indiana 47712

1310 N Green River Rd
Evansville, Indiana 47715

Vanderburgh County

There are 7 US Post Offices in Vanderburgh County serving a total of 134,211 residents equating to 19,173 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 214,216 packages are handled across the 7 county post offices annually. Vanderburgh County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 179,703. The county seat is in Evansville. While Vanderburgh County was the seventh largest county in 2010 population with 179,703 people, it is also the eighth smallest county in area in Indiana and the smallest in Southwestern Indiana, covering only 236 sq mi. In 2012, the population was 180,835. Vanderburgh County forms the core of the Evansville Metropolitan Statistical Area."