Sullivan County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

119 N Ledgerwood St
Carlisle, Indiana 47838

8182 E Main St
Dugger, Indiana 47848

9236 N Main St
Fairbanks, Indiana 47849

105 W Main St
Farmersburg, Indiana 47850

2269 N State Road 63
Graysville, Indiana 47852

119 S Main St
Hymera, Indiana 47855

2066 S 3rd St
Merom, Indiana 47861

13 N Railroad St
Shelburn, Indiana 47879

103 E Washington St
Sullivan, Indiana 47882

Sullivan County

There are 9 US Post Offices in Sullivan County serving a total of 21,618 residents equating to 2,402 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 34,505 packages are handled across the 9 county post offices annually. Sullivan County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana, and determined by the U.S. Census Bureau to include the mean center of U.S. population in 1940. As of 2010, the population was 21,475. The county seat is Sullivan. Sullivan County is included in the Terre Haute, Indiana, metropolitan statistical area."