Sponsored Listings:
Bentonville Post Office
7029 N County Road 550 W
Bentonville, Indiana 47322
Connersville Post Office
801 N Central Ave
Connersville, Indiana 47331
Glenwood Post Office
214 N Main St
Glenwood, Indiana 46133
Fayette County
There are 3 US Post Offices in Fayette County serving a total of 24,245 residents equating to 8,082 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 38,698 packages are handled across the 3 county post offices annually. Fayette County is one of 92 counties in U.S. state of Indiana located in the east central portion of the state. As of 2010, the population was 24,277. The county seat and only incorporated town is Connersville which holds a majority of the county's population. The county is a severely economically depressed area with high unemployment. Though the county was historically significant early in the 19th century as a conduit for settlement of the Northwest Territory, and again in the early 20th century as an automotive manufacturing center, there is little of historical, economic, cultural or political significance in the county today. The county lacks a commercial airport, rail (freight) and bus service, and has no major (U.S. or Interstate) highways."