2809 W Main St
Edelstein, IL 61526
Edelstein, IL 61526
The Edelstein Post Office is located in the state of Illinois within Peoria County. This location serves 1,088 Edelstein residents with a median income of $97,679. It's estimated that approximately 1,737 packages pass through this post office each year.
Edelstein Post Office Location 61526
Edelstein Illinois Local Links
Post Offices Near Edelstein by ZIP Code
- 61525 - Dunlap IL
- 61562 - Rome IL
- 61451 - Laura IL
- 61547 - Mapleton IL
- 61559 - Princeville IL
- 61517 - Brimfield IL
- 61536 - Hanna City IL
- 61529 - Elmwood IL
- 61614 - West Glen Station IL
- 61614 - North University IL
- 61528 - Edwards IL
- 61533 - Glasford IL
- 61552 - Mossville IL
- 61539 - Kingston Mines IL
- 61569 - Trivoli IL