Vermilion County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

110 Vermilion Ave
Allerton, Illinois 61810

104 Chicago St
Alvin, Illinois 61811

30515 Armstrong Rd
Armstrong, Illinois 61812

104 E Holloway St
Bismarck, Illinois 61814

201 S Sandusky St
Catlin, Illinois 61817

7205 Walnut St
Collison, Illinois 61831

303 N Hazel St
Danville, Illinois 61832

41495 Main St
East Lynn, Illinois 60932

106 S Main St
Fairmount, Illinois 61841

204 N Main St
Fithian, Illinois 61844

111 E West St
Georgetown, Illinois 61846

122 E Lane St
Henning, Illinois 61848

314 S Market St
Hoopeston, Illinois 60942

2 N Vermilion St
Indianola, Illinois 61850

101 N Main St
Muncie, Illinois 61857

110 S Scott St
Oakwood, Illinois 61858

107 W State St
Potomac, Illinois 61865

102 S Main St
Rankin, Illinois 60960

10 W Woodyard Ave
Ridge Farm, Illinois 61870

106 Maple St
Rossville, Illinois 60963

201 E Market St
Sidell, Illinois 61876

300 S State St
Westville, Illinois 61883

Vermilion County

There are 22 US Post Offices in Vermilion County serving a total of 71,344 residents equating to 3,243 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 113,873 packages are handled across the 22 county post offices annually. Vermilion County is a county located in the eastern part of the U.S. state of Illinois, between the Indiana border and Champaign County. It was established in 1826 and was the 45th of Illinois' 102 counties. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 81,625, which is a decrease of 2.7% from 83,919 in 2000. It contains 21 incorporated settlements; the county seat and largest city is Danville. The county is also divided into 19 townships which provide local services. Vermilion County is part of the Danville, Illinois, Metropolitan Statistical Area."