Mason County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

109 E 1st St
Bath, Illinois 62617

104 S 2nd St
Easton, Illinois 62633

101 N Main St
Forest City, Illinois 61532

128 S Orange St
Havana, Illinois 62644

109 N 5th St
Kilbourne, Illinois 62655

115 E Market St
Manito, Illinois 61546

155 W Chestnut St
Mason City, Illinois 62664

207 W Vine St
San Jose, Illinois 62682

111 W 4th St
Topeka, Illinois 61567

Mason County

There are 9 US Post Offices in Mason County serving a total of 16,745 residents equating to 1,861 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 26,727 packages are handled across the 9 county post offices annually. Mason County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 14,666. Its county seat is Havana. The county is named in honor of George Mason, a member of the Virginia legislature who campaigned for the adoption of the United States Bill of Rights."