Conecuh County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

2742 S Jackson St
Castleberry, Alabama 36432

200 Rural St
Evergreen, Alabama 36401

1801 Conaly St
Repton, Alabama 36475

Conecuh County

There are 3 US Post Offices in Conecuh County serving a total of 12,942 residents equating to 4,314 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 20,657 packages are handled across the 3 county post offices annually. Conecuh County (k\u028c'n\u025bk\u0259) [p] is a county of the U.S. state of Alabama. As of the 2010 census the population was 13,228. Its county seat is Evergreen. Its name is believed to be derived from a Creek Indian term meaning \"land of cane.\""