Powhatan County Post Offices

Sponsored Listings:

4195 Anderson Hwy
Powhatan, Virginia 23139

Powhatan County

There are 1 US Post Offices in Powhatan County serving a total of 24,425 residents equating to 24,425 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 38,985 packages are handled across the 1 county post offices annually. Powhatan County (/\u02c8pa\u028a.h\u0259\u02c8t\u00e6n/) is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,046. Its county seat is Powhatan. Powhatan County is included in the Greater Richmond Region. The James River forms the county's northern border, and the Appomattox River is on the south side. The county is named for the paramount chief of the powerful confederacy of tribes of Algonquian-speaking Native Americans in the Tidewater in 1607, when the British settled at Jamestown. Historically this Piedmont area had been occupied by the Siouan-speaking Monacan, who moved west under pressure from colonists. In 1700 French Huguenot refugees settled at their abandoned village, known as Manakin Town, which was located above the falls on the James River."

Post Offices by ZIP Code

  • 23139 - Powhatan VA